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What is the Bünsow Business Growth Forum?

The Bünsow Business Growth Forum is a unique growth arena with a focus on confidence, attraction and increased growth. It brings together decision-makers from different sectors, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry, the public sector and politics. Lectures, talks, discussions and activities combine to create a program that paves the way for new thinking and new business. Through inspiration, knowledge and new and deeper relationships, the Bünsow Business Growth Forum paves the way for growth!

About Fredrik Bünsow

Fredrik Bünsow was born in Germany but became known as one of the wealthiest Swedish businessmen of the 19th century. He immigrated as a 21-year-old bookstore clerk, inherited a timber industry in Sundsvall in 1847 and soon realized the potential of the steam saw. Through wise and courageous investments at just the right time, he built a timber empire that made him the second richest man in the country. The patron’s life’s work was created with courage and innovation in the midst of an industrial revolution.



Sparbanksstiftelsen Norrland, Swedbank together with Bengt-Göran Persson, one of the founders of the Åre Business Forum – and a number of partners, including the Center for Research on Economic Relations at Mid Sweden University, are initiating a new regional and annual growth forum.



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